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Myanmar gained independence at the end of the Second World War and subsequently experienced several successive military dictatorships. In 2011, the military junta launched a process of political and economic transition, and the 2015 legislative elections were widely won by the National League for Democracy, Aung San Suu Kyi’s party.

The country's population is composed of 135 ethnic groups. Since independence, the central government and various « so-called » minority ethnic groups (representing 35% of the population) have been in conflict. However the regime change and the peace process have not ended the clashes, continuing in almost all border regions.
This situation is a priority for the central government and the international community (and therefore attracts funding opportunities). Families fleeing conflict are forced to move to regions that are already facing serious difficulties.

Myanmar has one of the lowest human development indices (148th out of 189). Its population lacks access to essential services and rights (food, education, health, etc.) and is regularly subjected to climatic hazards and frequent natural disasters.

Triangle Génération Humanitaire (TGH) opened its first mission in December 2007, with emergency relief and development activities. In 2008, Cyclone Nargis severely affected the Delta, the south-western part of the country. TGH team participated in the emergency and post-emergency response in this region, and then in Rangoon including programmes to support disabled people).

Since 2012, TGH has concentrated its interventions in the Matupi region (southern Chin State), a mountainous area in the west of the country that is difficult to access. In this region, households use most of their income to buy staple food, and their diet consists mainly of rice. The local deficit in agricultural production and diversification worsened with Cyclone Komen (August 2015), which destroyed most irrigation infrastructure and forced many farmers to withdraw from growing their food plots. TGH improves the living conditions, resilience and livelihoods of isolated rural populations, and promotes the sustainable use and protection of the region's natural resources. In 2018, the team grew from 14 to 20 people, implementing programmes in 33 villages in Matupi canton.

These programmes are setting up modular gabion structures to reduce disaster risks, and improve fencing to provide sustainable protection for cultivated areas. It also enhances access to mechanisation for producers (power tillers, irrigation pumps, etc.). Other activities consist of improving cash crops (mainly Konjac) and off-season market gardening (training, demonstration plots, equipment and materials) to diversify local agricultural production and increase farmers' incomes. In addition, the current development of the region increases pressure on natural resources (construction and fuelwood, stones and sand for construction, hunting and fishing, water for domestic use and irrigation, arable land, etc.), which is often at the expense of communities. Awareness-raising and training actions involve the population - but also local authorities - in sustainable management and resource protection processes.

Since January 2019, TGH has extended its area of intervention to Paletwa Canton, Chin State, whose population has been particularly affected by the recent clashes between the Myanmar Army (Tatmadaw) and the Arakan army. Indeed, during the last quarter of 2018, the upsurge in clashes caused many deaths, injuries and population movements in the region, which already suffers from extreme weather conditions, a lack of opportunities and services, and is regularly affected by natural disasters. TGH has developed two projects to provide an emergency response to IDPs and host communities in 6 villages in Paletwa canton. A multisectoral approach addresses the most urgent needs of displaced populations for education, food security, nutrition, health, protection, health, shelter and essential equipment, while relieving pressure on host communities.

To carry out its activities, TGH has developed several partnerships in the country. A long-standing partner, Ar Yone Oo (AYO) is a Myanmar NGO specialising in rural development, natural resource management, access to drinking water and sanitation. Another emblematic partner, the Groupe de Recherche et d'Échanges Technologiques (GRET) is an international development NGO that works to fight poverty and inequality by providing sustainable and innovative solutions for solidarity-based development. In addition, a partnership have recently been established in the emergency response in Paletwa with Raiki, Foundation for Community Development, a civil society organisation that implements activities in the field.


Improving the intervention capacities of local civil society organisations to improve the response to the needs of local populations

Food security and livelihood
  • Funding: AFD (Agence Française de Développement)
  • Beneficiaries: 5 CSO and 1,000 households
  • Budget: EUR 250,000

The aim of this project is to help build the capacity of Burmese civil society organisations to implement responses to the needs identified in a crisis context. This will be done by strengthening their operational, technical and financial resources and by networking them to increase synergies.



June 2022 / April 2023

Emergency Assistance and Resilience Building for IDPs and Host Community Children affected by protracted crisis in Rakhine and Chin States

This is a multi-sector project which includes activities in Education and protection, WASH, COVID-19 prevention and response as well as capacity building.


Displaced persons camps in Paletwa township

As part of two HARP-funded "Multisectoral Emergency Response for Displaced Persons" projects TGH and its local partner the Raiki Community Development Foundation is supporting displaced communities in the Paletwa township to help them limit the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic.


March 2021 / March 2022

Emergency Assistance and Resilience Building for IDPs Host Community Children affected by protracted crisis in Paletwa Township

This project aims to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of internal displaced persons and host communities in Chin State, especially children, by providing them with access to education and safe spaces with health facilities.


January 2021 / March 2022

Multisectoral humanitarian assistance to conflict affected people and host communities in Chin State

The project aims to provide emergency assistance to IDPs and host communities affected by the ongoing conflict in Paletwa Township, Chin State, by addressing their basic needs and building their resilience.


May 2020 / April 2021

Strengthening the production and resilience capacities of vulnerable populations in the south of Chin State

This project aims to improve the resilience of rural populations in the south of Chin State by strengthening agricultural production resources and supporting crops with high economic potential.


August 2019 / January 2021

Multi-sectoral emergency response and resilience building for internally displaced persons

The objective of this action is to enable IDPs and host communities in Paletwa Canton to be able to respond to the emergency situation they are facing and to strengthen their resilience.


October 2017 / March 2021

Improving the sustainable productive capacities and resilience of the rural and vulnerable population

The project supports farming communities towards rural development based on improving agricultural performance, while promoting food diversity and increasing household incomes and strengthening the capacities of our partner Ar Yone Oo.


October 2016 / March 2021

Improving the livelihoods, incomes and resilience of vulnerable populations

The project aims to contribute to the reduction of poverty, food and nutrition insecurity and lack of income for vulnerable populations in southern Chin State and northern Rakhine State.


October 2019 / December 2020

Emergency response and resilience-building for IDPs and Host Communities through a multi-sectorial

The action aims to provide emergency assistance to IDPs and host communities affected by the ongoing conflict in Paletwa Township, Chin State, meeting their basic needs and building their resilience.


January 2019 / October 2019

Emergency response and resilience-building for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities

This action aims to address basic needs of displaced people and host communities, especially children, in Paletwa Township, Chin State, and contribute to building their resilience towards the protracted conflict that affects the region.


April 2016 / July 2017

Improving the resilience capacities of vulnerable populations confronted with climate risks

Improve the resilience capacities of vulnerable populations confronted with climate risks in Chin State, integrating new techniques adapted to local conditions and that can be duplicated by the beneficiary communities.


October 2013 / June 2017

Improving the living conditions of isolated rural populations in Chin State

TGH works to improve the living conditions of isolated rural populations in the state of Chin and wishes to perpetuate the results of the first actions started in October 2012 in that State, responding to immediate needs in the of food security sector.


March 2015 / March 2016

Improving the nutrition and resilience capacities of vulnerable populations

This programme is a continuation of the actions carried-out by TGH in 2013-2014 in Matupi. It aims to improve food security by increasing agricultural production of vulnerable households in 19 remote villages of Matupi in Chin State.


September 2013 / December 2014

Improvement of resilience capacites of vulnerable populations living in isolated villages

Evaluations carried out by TGH, its partner AYO and other humanitarian actors in Burma (notably WFP) have identified Chin State, and more particularly Matupi Canton, as a priority intervention zone.


October 2012 / November 2013

Improving food security in rural areas in Chin State

Chin State, located in the west of the country, is a landlocked area in the mountains and foothills of the Himalayas. The topography of the region, the steep terrain and the lack of infrastructure make trade difficult, even within the State, and have always hindered its development.


January 2011 / July 2013

Improvement of social services provided by local associations for disabled people

Objective: Improve the Eden Center's assistance to disabled people by providing technical support and local development projects.


January 2011 / June 2013

Support displaced people and the hosting communities

Located in the outskirts of Yangon, the townships of Dala and Seikyi Khanaungdho are home to some 176,600 inhabitants, living in an extremely precarious socio-economic situation. The townships can only be accessed by boat; no bridge links them to the capital.


April 2011 / October 2011

Support Food Autonomy and Restore Livelihoods for Vulnerable Populations

Triangle started operating in Myanmar at the end of 2007 and focused on the Delta region in the wake of cyclone Nargis. Our action in Kungyangon and Laputta districts has constantly sought to improve production means of the various economic sectors (rice, fishing, breeding, handicraft).


January 2010 / December 2010

Restoring livelihoods for rural populations in the Delta area

19 months after cyclone Nargis, difficult access to the area and lack of investments make it virtually to revive the populations' main sources of revenue (agriculture, fishing, breeding, pisciculture, etc.).


March 2009 / October 2009

Food Security Programme in areas affected by Cyclone Nargis

When Cyclone Nargis swept through Burma, as well as compromising the land production capacity for the 2008 harvest, it destroyed or damaged most of the seeds and rice stocked by landowners-farmers and day-workers.


May 2008 / December 2008

Assistance to people affected by cyclone Nargis union of Myanmar

After Cyclone Nargis swept through the Union of Myanmar, TGH started its first interventions by distributing rain collectors in the affected areas.