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Support the renewal to basic WASH services in
the sub-district of Bambari integrating a COVID-19 response


Water, hygiene and sanitation

Water, hygiene and sanitation




30 214

FROM 07/15/2020 TO 04/30/2021




Building of semi-permanent latrines

Building of semi-permanent latrines, Canaa neighbourhood, Bambari, Ouaka, Central African Republic. November 2020 © TGH

The city of Bambari, located in the Ouaka prefecture of the Central African Republic, is the staging point for many of the displaced by clashes between armed groups. In this context, the arrival of displaced persons increases the pressure on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) infrastructures. Hence the main objective of this project to strengthen access to WASH services for the returned and displaced populations of the city of Bambari, and to improve their knowledge and practices regarding the risks of spreading COVID-19.

Shock chlorination after the rehabilitation of a water point

Shock chlorination after the rehabilitation of a water point, Axis Bambari-Liohto, Ouaka, Central African Republic. November 2020 © TGH

Therefore, through TGH’s activities, the displaced and returnees of the sub-district of Bambari have access to basic WASH and hygiene promotion services and are alerted on social distancing measures as part of the fight against COVID-19.

In order to facilitate the access of the inhabitants of the city of Bambari to the WASH infrastructure, TGH sets up hand-washing facilities near popular places (such as the market) as well as chlorination points. In addition, semi-lasting latrines and showers are being built at various IDP sites and return neighbourhoods. Regarding existing water points, the TGH team conducts shock chlorination operations and repairs water points on the roads leading to the city of Bambari. The existing Water Point Management Committees are also strengthened: their members receive training. Awareness sessions on hygiene and on prevention of COVID-19 are conducted for the Committees as well as for the population of the IDP sites and in the neighbourhoods of Bambari - on World Toilet Day, for example, a theatre company presented skits on good hygiene practices and measures to fight COVID-19 in order to raise awareness.

Formation des CGPE

Training of the Water Point Management Committe, Lihoto Axis, Ouaka, Central African Republic. November 2020 © TGH

Theatre company presenting a skit on the occasion of the World Toilet Day

Theatre company presenting a skit on the occasion of the World Toilet Day, Kidjigra, Ouaka, Central African Republic. November 2020 © TGH