Logo Triangle génération humanitaire




Urgent improvement of the health conditions of
the Yemeni population (Phase 2)


Water, hygiene and sanitation

Water, hygiene and sanitation


Logo Centre de Crise et de Soutien



From 05/01/2022 to 05/31/2023




This project aims to limit the humanitarian impact of the conflict and economic crisis on vulnerable communities in Aden and to help contain the political and social tensions generated by limited access to water, hygiene and sanitation. Indeed, TGH wishes to focus its intervention in Aden on a response that promotes longer-term improvements. TGH continues to provide daily water trucking to vulnerable communities in the districts of Tawahi, Al Maalla and Al Bureiqah, which have been affected by a supply disruption in recent months. The volumes distributed are adjusted according to the availability or otherwise of alternative water sources, as observed during the previous project.

In parallel, TGH is developing and strengthening the water distribution network in the targeted districts, and more specifically in the neighbourhoods of Al Sholah, Al Maidan, Al Sheikh Eshak and Ras Amran, all of which have been identified as priorities given the lack of connection to the network and the number of internally displaced persons who have settled there since the beginning of the conflict. Finally, the action includes upstream work on the water supply network and the works that feed it through the rehabilitation of boreholes in Bir Nasser, Bir Ahmed and Al Manasrah, the main sources of Aden's water network. This intervention will increase the productivity of the borehole fields and thus the availability of water, both in the specifically targeted neighbourhoods and for the city of Aden as a whole.

Rehabilitation of the well by filtering the well of sand and lime

Rehabilitation of the well by filtering the well of sand and lime, whereby 4-inch pipes are lowered to a depth of 150 meters, Bir Ahmed, Little Aden, Yemen, August 2022 © TGH