

In 2015, two devastating earthquakes hit 39 of the country’s 75 districts. Much infrastructure and individual homes were partially or completely destroyed, mainly because construction methods were not designed to withstand earthquakes of this magnitude. Since then, deep and lasting scars have remained, and the country is struggling to rebuild its infrastructure and economy.


The country ranks 143rd on the Human Development Index, making it one of the poorest countries in the world. Nepal’s main challenge is the high risk of natural disasters, particularly earthquakes, as evidenced by the recent earthquakes, but also floods, which sometimes affect the regions where TGH operates. Adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change, as well as transitioning to organic farming, will be key challenges for Nepal in the coming years. Nepal is also aiming to achieve emerging economy status by the end of 2026.

TGH in Nepal

TGH opened its first mission in 2015 after the earthquakes and implemented an emergency programme in three villages in Kavrepalanchok district (Koshidekha, Kharelthok and Sarsyunkharka). The TGH team participated in the emergency and post-emergency response in this region in collaboration with its long-standing partner, ARSOW-Nepal. In September 2016, TGH started an integrated comprehensive rehabilitation programme in the villages of Thangpaldhap, Thangpalkot, Bothang and Gunsakot in Sindhupalchowk district. This programme, which will end in August 2023, integrated reconstruction activities, such as the rebuilding of public infrastructure and individual houses, with development activities, such as the establishment of a model organic farm.


Recently, a new project was launched in partnership with Médecins du Monde and the local NGO FRDEV (Farmers for Rural Development), an offshoot of the Nepal Agriculture Cooperative Central Federation Limited (NACCFL), to promote organic farming practices, reduce the use of plastic and chemical inputs, and prevent the risks associated with their use.To ensure the sustainability of its operations and support Nepal’s socio-economic transition, TGH ensures that each of its projects includes a component to strengthen the operational and technical capacity of local actors and communities.

Current programmes

Strengthening Actions for Reconstruction and Recovery Project in Jajarkot

  • Funding : Fondation de France
  • Beneficiaries : 4,000
  • Duration : 18 months (from 01/02/24 to 31/07/24)
  • Total budget : EUROS 152,000
Strengthening Actions for Reconstruction and Recovery Project in Jajarkot icon

Towards more sustainable food value chains in Nepal

  • Funding : AFD & Fondation de France
  • Beneficiaries : 4,392
  • Duration : 30 months (from 01/02/23 to 01/02/26)
  • Total budget : EUROS 1,100,000
Towards more sustainable food value chains in Nepal icon