Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan


Since 2003, Iraq has faced a series of conflicts and crises that have had a severe impact on the population. The appearance of the Islamic State on the territory in 2014 led to the displacement of more than 6 million people, the destruction of much infrastructure and, more generally, a significant deterioration in the living conditions of the population. Since the Iraqi government took over the country in 2017, Iraqis have begun to return to their areas of origin. This process has been accelerated by the closure of refugee camps and the withdrawal of some UN agencies as part of the transition from a humanitarian emergency to a development response. The security situation also continues to deteriorate due to the general context of the region. There are also economic difficulties, inter-communal and social tensions, and a serious lack of infrastructure in the country, making living and working conditions difficult for young people, who regularly take to the streets.


Iraq also faces another major challenge: climate change. The UN ranks Iraq as the fifth most vulnerable country to climate-related disasters in 2022. This means exposure to extreme temperatures, water and food shortages, and a high risk of further population displacement.

TGH in Iraq

TGH has been present in Iraqi Kurdistan since 2013, initially to respond to the massive arrival of Syrian refugees. Since then, Triangle Génération Humanitaire has developed new programmes to meet the needs of the population and help the country face the challenges it faces.


Today, TGH implements food security and livelihood projects as well as education and protection projects. One of TGH’s objectives is to support and build the capacity of local associations and government agencies, particularly in the area of child protection.


TGH runs protection initiatives for children and young people, for example to reduce the risk of them joining armed groups, as well as activities for children who have dropped out of school and/or are victims of violence.


Protection activities for adults also include legal assistance in obtaining missing official documents.


TGH also works to improve social cohesion by supporting the reintegration of displaced people in their region of origin through the creation of economic activities in the agricultural sector.

Current programmes

Engaging and empowering young people for peace, building resilience and preventing violent extremism in Kirkuk

  • Funding : GIZ (SILM Funds)
  • Beneficiaries : Direct : 1,476 / Indirect : 7,300
  • Duration : 8 months (from 01/11/23 to 30/06/24)
  • Total budget : EUROS 250,000
Engaging and empowering young people for peace, building resilience and preventing violent extremism in Kirkuk icon

Protection, social integration and access to services for marginalized and at risk children

  • Funding : ECHO
  • Beneficiaries: 29,870
  • Duration : 24 months (from 01/05/23 to 31/08/25)
  • Total budget : EUROS 2,227,295
Protection, social integration and access to services for marginalized and at risk children icon

Economic revival of micro-entrepreneurship and agriculture (II)

  • Funding : AFD
  • Beneficiaries : 10,000 households
  • Duration : 22 months (from 03/03/22 to 31/12/24)
  • Total budget : EUROS 10,000,000
Economic revival of micro-entrepreneurship and agriculture (II) icon