Multipurpose cash assistance to support coverage of basic needs


50,000 households


31/03/22 > 31/07/22

Total budget




Travailleurs sociaux de Novovolynsk aide à l'enregistrement des personnes pour le projet de l'UNICEF en tant qu'organisation partenaire

Programme details

Following the outbreak of war in Ukraine, TGH mobilised its teams on the ground and at head office to maintain its existing activities and develop an emergency response to meet the most immediate needs of the affected populations. On 31 March, in partnership with UNICEF, TGH launched a vast programme of unconditional monetary assistance for households to help them cover their children’s primary needs (including food).


Thanks to the unconditional cash transfer system, beneficiaries can meet the needs that they themselves have prioritised.


As humanitarian needs spread across the country, TGH and UNICEF are prioritising households in regions with the highest numbers of displaced and affected people, in order to target the most vulnerable families with children. Targeted households are selected via an online registration platform, making it possible to reach the most isolated families on the basis of vulnerability criteria. Households receive monetary assistance by bank transfer to their individual accounts. For those who do not have a bank account, the sum is paid directly in cash via a local partner.


Prior to each transfer, TGH informs beneficiaries of the scheduled date of the bank transfer and of the withdrawal points, and assists families who encounter problems with their bank accounts or difficulties accessing the withdrawal points.