Emergency response for conflict-affected populations in Sudan and Chad


400 households


01/01/24 > 31/012/24

Total budget


Food security & Livelihood


Elèves bénéficiaires de kits scolaires se rendant à l'école

Programme details

This project is an Emergency response for conflict-affected populations in West & Central Darfur in Sudan and in Ouaddaï province in Chad.

It is produced in cooperation with the Comité International pour l’Aide d’Urgence et le Développement (CIAUD).


To achieve this objective, the project is divided into two main components.


The first component focuses on supporting agricultural households through the provision of donkey-drawn plows. This intervention aims to improve the efficiency of fieldwork, thereby reducing the time and effort required to prepare the land for planting.


The second component centers on direct support for agricultural production. Kits will be distributed, containing seeds of pearl millet and peanuts, which are suited to the regional climatic conditions, along with agricultural tools such as hoes with handles to facilitate soil cultivation and promote successful agricultural output. These kits will be given to the producers identified in a preliminary survey. Additionally, training sessions will be organized to share best agricultural practices and ensure the optimal use of the tools and seeds provided.


The goal of this project is to equip the refugee Sudanese households at the Dougui camp with the resources necessary for productive agriculture, thereby enhancing their food security and resilience in the face of the challenges posed by their new relocation situation.



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