01/11/19 > 31/01/2021
Total budget

Food security and Livelihood

Programme details
TGH has been running projects in the Sahrawi refugee camps since 2001. The Sahrawi refugees live in 5 camps in the Tindouf region. They depend almost exclusively on humanitarian assistance, as economic opportunities are rare, particularly due to the isolation of the area and the extremely unfavourable environmental conditions.
Living conditions are particularly difficult in a landlocked desert region where temperatures often exceed 50°C in summer. In order to develop local sources of nutrition, TGH has set up and developed a fish farm. Tilapia have been growing in this fish farm for several weeks, with the first fish caught in February/March 2020.
The aim of this project is to develop the storage capacity for fish production, which is essential for the development of the business and the distribution of foodstuffs. In addition to this material aspect, a “supply chain” study needs to be carried out to specify the distribution channels for future production.