01/06/23 > 31/05/24
Total budget


Programme details
In 2023, TGH wants to strengthen its emergency response capacity and deploy to the eastern regions of the country, particularly in the Kramatorsk region, where TGH was already operating before the invasion of the country. The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) is particularly high there, and attacks, particularly on strategic infrastructure, have increased in recent months.
The project aims to respond to the priority needs of the population by providing monetary and/or material assistance for the most vulnerable and multimodal protection services (hotline, individual and/or collective consultation in collective centres, consultation directly in the home) providing psychosocial support and legal advice. Mobile teams are also deployed in the east of France to work in isolated areas with the most vulnerable people (the elderly/disabled, isolated women, etc.). TGH supports both the community by helping collective centres and also displaced persons and host communities.
This intervention is based on a partnership with local NGOs and government services, with a dual objective: to reach the most isolated vulnerable populations to give them access to humanitarian assistance, and to strengthen the response capacities of civil society and public institutions (technical and management aspects in particular).
The project targets vulnerable groups as a priority, including the elderly, people living with disabilities, people suffering from chronic illnesses, women/girls (mainly female heads of household) and children.