Strengthening Actions for Reconstruction and Recovery Project in Jajarkot




01/02/24 > 31/07/25

Total budget


Civil engineering


Programme details


  • ARSOW Nepal (Association for Rural Social Welfare)

Strong from our previous experience with ARSOW in integrated global response to earthquakes, we conducted an assessment in this new area of intervention, namely Karnali province. Bheri is the municipality that was the most affected. This project is the first step of a resilient recovery, focusing on earthquake-resilient rebuilding and awareness-raising.


The first objective aims to provide technical support for earthquake resistant houses reconstruction and conduct a “Build Back Better and Stronger campaign”.


To do so :

  • 90 masons from the community will be trained on earthquake-resilient construction techniques ;
  • information and education materials will be developed and disseminated in the project area ;
  • 6 private houses of vulnerable community members will be rehabilitated or reconstructed by the trained masons both as model houses and on-the-job training.


The second objective aims to support private houses reconstruction and construction of community infrastructures. This objective extends the technical support for better and safer construction to 4000 additional households that will receive building design and construction supervision support from the trained masons but who will have to provide themselves the necessary materials to ensure the sustainability of this intervention. In addition, 3 drinking water supply schemes, and 1 community building will be rehabilitated/constructed.


The third objective aims to strengthen coordination mechanisms with all stakeholders as well as reinforce their capacities. This will be achieved through trainings, workshops, coordination meetings and a reflection meeting to share and disseminate the lessons learned and best practices.