01/07/21 > 28/02/22
Total budget

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Programme details
This project is a continuation of TGH’s presence in the Vakaga region, where the organisation has been working at various IDP sites since 2019. Since June 2021, the Yata site has seen a high concentration of displaced people due to the relocation of various IDP sites, which has been underway since mid-2020. This is leading to an increase in needs and putting pressure on areas that already require regular upkeep and maintenance under normal circumstances.
In order to maintain its support in terms of access to water for displaced populations, TGH is continuing its presence in the area and developing a project to increase the production capacity of the water pump, already installed, in order to cover the drinking water needs of the new arrivals.
With a view to making the action more autonomous and sustainable, TGH has set up a committee dedicated to managing issues relating to water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH). The NGO is responsible for distributing water and raising awareness of the need to clean jerry cans, wash hands and observe safety precautions.
By rehabilitating and reinforcing existing emergency latrines, semi-durable infrastructure can be put in place that is more resilient to bad weather and external pressures (climate, pests, etc.). This work is being carried out with respect for individual privacy, offering one space for men and another for women, as well as interior locks. A team of hygienists is recruited on a temporary basis to raise community awareness of latrine maintenance, with the ultimate aim of organising community management of the latrines.
There are plans to train people to empty the pits, so that latrines can be maintained, and this will enable people to use them on their own.
The construction of rubbish pits has been implemented, enabling more efficient management of household waste.
TGH is taking account of the COVID-19 pandemic in its projects and is setting up awareness-raising campaigns on good hygiene practices, respect for barrier gestures and hand washing.