01/04/22 > 31/01/23
Total budget


Programme details
Partners : To implement this project, TGH will support 5 local Ukrainian associations, including Avalyst. Other partners are currently being identified.
As part of this project, TGH aims to respond to the immediate needs of the Ukrainian population affected by the conflict.The project focuses on three areas: facilitating access to basic necessities via unconditional cash transfers, personalised psychosocial support and legal aid.
This assistance takes the form of unconditional monetary aid, also known as “multipurpose cash” and e-voucher. This method makes it possible to respond quickly to people’s needs, regardless of where they are, and to overcome access problems. This procedure seems to be the most appropriate for meeting the needs of Ukrainians during the conflict, according to TGH’s evaluations, but also according to OCHA and the various Clusters.
Secondly, this assistance takes the form of psychosocial and psychological support for the most vulnerable people, particularly women and children, as well as legal and judicial assistance.These activities help people affected by the conflict, particularly displaced persons, to overcome the effects of post-traumatic shock and ensure that the most vulnerable maintain their mental equilibrium.To this end, TGH organises recreational activities for displaced children in the reception centres, as well as discussion groups by age group and gender. Legal support is offered to all people who are displaced or who want to leave their place of residence but do not have all the necessary information. Individual follow-up of beneficiaries of the action is provided when deemed necessary, from the place of temporary accommodation to the place of resettlement, but also from Ukraine to the host country in the case of refugees, by maintaining remote psychological support (by telephone).
At the same time, part of TGH’s work is based on supporting local organisations that are already active and in contact with beneficiaries in Ukraine.The responses are focused on the needs identified, while taking into account the mandate and skills of the associations.As part of this project, TGH is providing support to 5 local organisations.The partners are supervised by the TGH team and technically supported by the team of specialists deployed, particularly in terms of psychosocial support and cash transfers.
This approach is complemented by the duplication of some of these activities in Poland, the first host country for Ukrainian refugees, with the refugee populations through the use of e-voucher, psychosocial support and the strengthening of social cohesion between the host communities and the displaced populations.