Emergency response to the needs of populations affected by armed conflict




15/04/22 > 14/07/22

Total budget




Distribution de kits d'hygiène pour les personnes déplacées par Avalyst

Programme details

Partners :

  • MIRA
  • Boomerang Good
  • Pomishka


As part of this project, TGH, through its local partners, is working both in the east of the country (Dombass region) with the most vulnerable and isolated people, and in the western part of the country in Lviv and the surrounding area with displaced people.


The project is based around 2 main areas of action aimed at giving people affected by the conflict access to essential goods and services, and providing psychological support to vulnerable and isolated people.


This assistance takes the form of unconditional monetary aid for 1,000 vulnerable people affected by the conflict: the form of this assistance depends on the precise area of intervention and market capacities, and can take the form of a monetary transfer or electronic multipurpose vouchers whose purpose is similar to that of “Multipurpose cash”.


As part of this initiative, TGH and its partners are providing support for the operation and maintenance of the reception capacities of 10 institutions housing vulnerable people. Around 1,000 people will benefit directly from this assistance.


At the same time, TGH and its partners are offering group psychological support sessions for adults to help them express their emotions in a safe and confidential environment and to help them through this period of crisis. These activities are led by Ukrainian psychologists working with TGH and its national partner specialising in psychological support. These activities are open to the whole population and are organised in transit centres or community venues.


This approach is complemented by individualised follow-up of the most acute cases through consultations and telephone hotlines, with a dedicated hotline to ensure follow-up of our beneficiaries even when they are travelling, and through consultations in transit centres.