18/03/22 > 17/07/22
Total budget


Programme details
Partners :
- Boomerang Good
- Pomishka
Following the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine, TGH mobilised its teams on the ground and at head office in order to maintain its existing activities and develop an emergency response to meet the most immediate needs of the people affected. On 18 March, with the support of the Fondation de France, TGH launched an assistance programme to cover basic needs and respond to the psychological distress of affected households and individuals. As part of this project, TGH also intends to carry out a needs assessment in Poland, the first host country for Ukrainian refugees.
The activities of this project mainly consist of unconditional cash transfers to give the affected populations the means to meet their immediate needs according to what they consider to be their priorities, on the one hand, and to provide psychosocial support to the most vulnerable people, on the other.To carry out these activities, TGH works closely with local associations.
To enable the people affected to meet their immediate needs, the project provides for two types of modality, depending on the preference of the beneficiaries and the feasibility of implementation in the intervention localities: unconditional cash transfers, which consist of a lump-sum payment to the beneficiaries via the banking system or the Post Office. The second method consists of electronic vouchers sent by telephone to beneficiaries. This method was developed by THG in Ukraine in 2016 and is based on an innovative system involving an online platform. The coupons are sent by text message to beneficiaries and are redeemable at partner grocery shops. Beneficiaries can choose any of the grocery products, with the exception of tobacco and alcohol. Coupons can be used several times during the validity period.
Psychosocial support activities take the form of individual and group sessions.They give beneficiaries the opportunity to express their emotions in a safe and confidential space and help them to get through this period of crisis.These activities are led by Ukrainian psychologists working with TGH and its local partners.TGH pays particular attention to children, for whom the psychosocial consequences can be serious.