Emergency assistance to fire-affected households of Matihani Municipality


110 households


01/07/24 > 30/11/24

Global budget


Water, sanitation and hygiene



Programme details


  • RYC (Ratauli Yuwa Club)

Even though forest fires affected several provinces and localities, the most affected one was Madhesh Province. After coordination with several stakeholders, TGH decided to partner with RYC to facilitate local coordination and implementation of this project in Matihani municipality.


The project includes the following activities :

  • Distribution of water filters and hygiene kits to 110 affected households ;
  • Distribution of 6 community water pumps (and support in their installation) ;
  • Awareness campaign on WASH topics for the communities.


This project fits in TGH strategy in Nepal, which is to conduct long-term development project while remaining available and flexible to provide emergency assistance in the case of natural catastrophes (earthquakes, fires, floods…), which are frequent in this country.