01/01/21 > 31/12/23
Total budget

Education & Protection

Programme details
- Fondation Voix du Cœur

This project aims to improve the care and reintegration of at least 1,000 marginalised minors in Bangui (including street children and minors in prison) and to build the capacity of at least 136 child protection stakeholders in CAR (including civil society organisations, ministries and communities). This project is being carried out in close collaboration with the local partner – the Fondation Voix du Cœur (FVDC), a long-standing partner of TGH.
TGH’s teams work with street children in Bangui by going out on patrols and organising recreational activities. In addition, TGH works to reintegrate these young people by reuniting them with their families where possible, or in foster homes with the support of the FVDC. This reintegration is accompanied by literacy courses, schooling and vocational training. TGH and its partner provide individual follow-up for each young person.
TGH also works with young people incarcerated in the Ngarabga prison in Bangui. TGH provides recreational and psycho-social activities, medical care and referrals, awareness-raising, literacy courses and support for young people on their release from prison with a view to their successful social and professional reintegration.