Capacity-building for local protection stakeholders


125 people involved in protection


01/03/23 > 31/08/23

Total budget

UAH 11,696,030

Education & protection


Activités scolaires pour les enfants déplacés

Programme details

In 2022, as part of its partnership with the UNHCR, TGH finalised the development of two training modules: General Protection Case Management and Case Management Supervision.


Management of general protection cases

A 5-day training course including an overview of humanitarian principles, protection principles, child protection, data protection principles and practices, and case management principles, and guides participants through each stage of the case management process, enabling all participants to use all the tools in the toolkit during the training to ensure they are ready to implement them once they are operational.


Supervision of case management

A 3-day training course that is a practical guide for those responsible for supervising social workers, and includes modules on one-to-one support and supervision, case audits, field monitoring, case review meetings and case conferences. Supervisors are helped to understand the particular tasks of their role, and how these tasks contribute directly to high quality case management and the commitment of protection workers to do no harm.


This project aims to deliver General Protection Case Management training to a total of 125 protection actors to support them in implementing high quality, individualised General Protection Case Management. The training will also build the capacity of protection actors in humanitarian principles, information management and referral pathways, and provide an overview of procedures for protecting the best interests of the child.