Dorijka 2: multi-sectoral emergency in frontline and hard-to-reach areas




01/10/24 > 30/09/25

Global budget

$ 15,800,000



Distribution de fuel solide sur la ligne de front

Programme details

The Dorijka project is being implemented by a consortium of 5 French NGOs. It is funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance.


The total budget for the project is $15,800,000, including $2,793,000 for TGH activities. It will be implemented in partnership with a range of Ukrainian civil society actors.

Distribution de fuel solide - Projet Dorijka 2

Consortium members will ensure that people affected by the ongoing war and protracted crisis have access to vital assistance to meet their basic needs for health care, shelter and facilities, and essential household items.


Their safety and well-being will be ensured through appropriate protection measures and the provision of timely and coordinated assistance under the leadership of Triangle Génération Humatinaire. In addition, TGH provides specific winter assistance by providing solid fuel and clothing to vulnerable people. Finally, TGH is also responsible for the renovation of shelters and private housing by providing light and medium repairs and money for repairs.