Protection, Rights and Enforcement : social reintegration of young prisoners and prevention of recidivism


50 young people


01/10/24 > 31/03/26

Global budget

€ 60,000

Education & Protection


Journée du foot, Maison d’arrêt Ngaragba, Bangui

Programme details

This project aims to strengthen local networks for the reintegration of minors and young adults in prison and to prevent reoffending.

The project aims to improve the protection of minors and young adults in conflict with the law who are detained in Bangui prisons. A health and psychosocial team works in the Ngaragba and Bimbo prisons to provide primary health care, identify psychological needs and support inmates in their reintegration projects to prevent recidivism.


Upon release, beneficiaries receive social follow-up through temporary placement, family mediation or alternative accommodation, as well as vocational training and employment support.


The project also aims to strengthen networks between civil society organisations and state actors to promote human rights, participate in campaigns to regularise civil status and prevent arbitrary detention in cooperation with law enforcement and the judiciary.